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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Money is Debt. Debt is Money.

BY: Ed Ehite

Federal Reserve Notes, known as dollar bills are printed by the Federal Reserve and then lent to the United Stated. Since the Federal Reserve is a private corporation, like all loans this one bares an interest. Almost all loans are made up of the principal amount and accrued interest. If the entire money supply is borrowed from the central bank and then put in circulation by commercial banks through loans, only what is referred to as the principal is in the money supply. The first question should be is when does the accrued interest to be paid back in addition to the principal amount come into existence

Most money, around 97%, exists only virtually in the cyber world rather than dollar bills or coins. This means that only 3% of the total money supply can be held in the physical world. How does this work? The economy runs on faith that the credits and physical currency issued by the government take on the formal role actual goods or gold. If the people did not accept this relationship then this method would not be successive.

The real deception is the devaluation of currency which is known formerly as inflation. How can we expect to solve the problem of debt by increasing the money supply without a proportional expansion of goods and services? The only way to create more money is from loans. Therefore, if everyone in the country were able to pay off all debts, including the government, there would not be one dollar in circulation.

Technology is only allowing this debt ceiling to rise at an even higher rate. Marrine Eagles stated, “If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money.” Marrine Eagles served as Governor of the Federal Reserve and stated this September 30, 1941 at House Committee Hearing.

1 comment:

  1. This post details how money in this country holds value and was very interesting. Many people are unaware of what cash represents, it was even enlightening for me. The post really shows how unstable the economy could become if the value of the dollar were to be rejected by the people.
